It's always an issue of what are the rights that a person belongs to. My thoughts about these things are that The rights always come when you perform your duties. If you think you want to enjoy certain rights, you must perform some duties. Without following any duties, if you think that you have all the rights against once life, then you are messing with yourself. How can you expect to enjoy rights without the duties performed. In case of a married woman, she has to perform certain duties to enjoy the rights of a wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.
what are those rights that you want to enjoy?
1. Right to be respected as a wife
2. Right to be enjoying all the freedom
3. Right to involve in all the family matters
4. Right to have loved by husband and all his family members
5. Right to take decisions in homely things
6. Right to interact with all the society as a daughter-in-law of a family
7. Right to quarrel with anyone in any disputes arosed.
8. Right to impose anything without previleges.
9. Right to have her all the interested protected against any other family member.
10. Certain other rights which involve her, directly or indirectly.
Well, if you want to enjoy these rights, there are certain duties to be carried out by you, then and only then you are eligible to enjoy these rights. Those duties are-
1. To love and and caress all the family members including husband
2. Respect all the family members and other socially connected people.
3. Duty to be in touch with every family member
4. To carry out day to day family and household related work
5. To keep the family intact in any disputes which are arising due to anything
6. To be a helping hand to each and every family member.
7. To discuss any personal decisions with every family members, specially the senior one.
8. To respect decisions of other family members and if there are any misunderstandings, clear them with full explanations
9. Manage your day to day work with all the care so that no one gets hurt.
10. All such other duties which involve family and which affects the family life.
These duties, when a woman performs, with whatsoever lacuna in it, then and only then she has her rights against any member. After all she has come from a different family and she has to give that much importance to the new family so that she gets noticed and understood by other family members. The wife is always a pillar of a family, and if she has certain doubts about any one, the family life gets ruined. Who else is there to look after the family? This is the most superior job for any woman to handle her new family with care and love. She gets rewarded if she is a successful woman in keeping the family intact. What a man requires from his wife? Just love and care, nothing else. This life is not so easy, its a difficult job. It's always a woman who is held responsible for a deeds of a family. Hence, The woman of a family has to be careful about all her responsibilities. Such a difficult job can not be handled by any man, man may have so much talent, so much courage to become a successful man, but it's the woman behind him who didnt let him down, handled all the family with care, managed all the ups and downs of family life.
I also required such woman in my life, she came, she quarrelled and she went back. What a pitty? The understanding nature is the most important requirement in a wife. I think that was the only thing I miss in her. Well, My love will never end for her. May god always help her in achieving all her goals, even if I'm not one of those goals.
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