This November, my son will be of two years age. How sweet son I have. He is very cute, lovely, talented, gorgeous - what even if he doesnt what the word "Pappa" means. I used to play with him. I remember him screaming to come with me whenever I'm going to office. I always wanted to see the smile on his face when in the evening I used to come at home. He would leave all the toys, the things he's playing with, whenever he see me. Just wanted to come to me. In the morning, when he awakes, starts searching for me. I used to keep him in my hands and show all the photographs of god, he used to say "Jay". Then we used to start playing. Always wanted to be feed by me and not his mother. Instead of learning how to say "Mummy" or "Aai", he learnt the word "Pappa". It was so complimentary and proud for me whenever he used to call me "Pappa". My little प्यारासा , छोटासा , बिट्टू . Whenever I feed him, used to eat all the things. I was totally flattered whenever someone sees him in my hands. I used to take him out with me. Once, he was very dangerously ill. I was used to remain all day with him, well it was my duty. Still, he was more loving towards me than his mother. In the evening whenever I come from office, used to play with me till the night. I remember, he never go to sleep, he loved to play with me so much that eventhough I see his sleepy eyes, but still he wanted to play with me. and then I used to sing song for him so that he go to sleep. He used to sing with me eventhogh there were no words he can speak, but still he would make sounds like how I'm singing. Without my singing, he would not at all go to sleep. I remember. He was totally into me. May be, this is what kind of love he wanted from me. My wife always said, he always calls you as "Pappa", dont call me "Mummy". Well, really, he might definitely have more love for me. I also love him a lot, lots more than anything.
BUT, now the time is different - Once I went to meet my wife at her father's home, I saw my son, after about 4 months, he was very sweet, cute. I took him in my hands, suddenly my eyes were totally wet. I broke down. I kissed him so much. He was not feeling comfirtable at me. Screaming for his mother. May be he was feeling who's this guy holding me tight. She again kept him and made him ralaxed. He suddenly called me "Uncle". Just like any other person. What else one could suffer, your own son calling you "Uncle", the one who can not live without you, doesnt even remember you. Well, now also he is not with me. It's been long time, around 8 months, I'm living without my life, my wife and my son. What blessings my wife's father could be getting from god by keeping us apart. Every day, I miss them, Every night I cry for them. But her father has totally washed her mind, tought so much bad things about me and my family. She also believes in him and does not even call me or message me. What a pity! I'm totally broken, not having my loving wife and sweet son with me.
May god bless my son and my wife with all the happiness and joy.
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